M1 Docker Demo Tutorial

Check prerquiste

runtime prerequiste

Set-up Demo

Launch ipfs deamon


IPFS_PATH=/tmp/ipfs $GO_IPFS_PATH init -p test
IPFS_PATH=/tmp/ipfs $GO_IPFS_PATH config Addresses.API /ip4/
IPFS_PATH=/tmp/ipfs $GO_IPFS_PATH daemon --enable-pubsub-experiment
Initializing daemon...
go-ipfs version: 0.11.0
Repo version: 11
System version: amd64/linux
Golang version: go1.16.12
Swarm listening on /ip4/
Swarm listening on /p2p-circuit
Swarm announcing /ip4/
API server listening on /ip4/
Gateway (readonly) server listening on /ip4/
Daemon is ready

Launch dockers:

Launch api_circuit docker

docker run -it --name api_circuits --rm -p 3000:3000 --env RUST_LOG="warn,info,debug" ghcr.io/interstellar-network/api_circuits:milestone1 /usr/local/bin/api_circuits --ipfs-server-multiaddr /ip4/

Launch api_garble docker

docker run -it --name api_garble --rm -p 3001:3000 --env RUST_LOG="warn,info,debug" ghcr.io/interstellar-network/api_garble:milestone1 /usr/local/bin/api_garble --ipfs-server-multiaddr /ip4/

Launch substrate demo chain with OCW

git clone --branch=interstellar --recursive git@github.com:Interstellar-Network/subs trate-offchain-worker-demo.git


cd substrate-offchain-worker-demo 

build the substrate chain....

RUST_LOG="warn,info" cargo run -- --dev --tmp

Important: the node log will display some results i.e cid that you will have to copy paste to perform the demo

Launch a generic Substrate Fromt-end

Use the following substrate link for installation then use

Yarn start

to connect a locally running node

Demo purpose

In this demo, we want to demonstrate how OCW pallets can interact with the Garbled Circuit Factory to pilot the mass production of garbled circuits.

To avoid any ambiguities regarding the pallets delivered for this milestone (for demo/example purpose only), we named the two OCW pallets we interact with:

  • ocwExample: to provide an example of how we can configure the GCF with a simple verilog file that will be used as a master file for production.
  • ocwDemo: to demomstrate how we can launch the production of the garbled circuits in the GCF.

Demo overview:

1. write a verilog master/config file.v in IPFS and get its VerilogCid

GCF: can be set-up for production with verilog master file

2. signed extrinsic with VerilogCid of master/config file.v to ocwExample pallet

Request->GCF: OCW launch the generation of the logical circuit file in GCF

Response<-GCF: OCW get the skcdCid of the generated logical circuit (.skcd)

GCF: GC production ready for the production of Garbled Circuits: OCW is configured with verilog master file

skcd file is cached in the production pipeline

3. signed extrinsic with skcdCid to ocwDemo pallet

Request->GCF: OCW launch the generation of the garbled circuit files in GCF

Response<-GCF: OCW get the gcCid of the generated garbled circuits (ready to be evaluated)

As the purpose of the demo is to illustrate the interaction between the OCWs and the GCF, we will lauch the garbled circuit production manualy using Pallet Interactor.

Step 1: add the master/config verilogfile.v in IPFS

As an example, we provide a very simple adder circuit:


// https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/full-adder-using-verilog-hdl/

// Code your design : Full Adder
module full_add(a,b,cin,sum,cout);
  input a,b,cin;
  output sum,cout;
  wire x,y,z;

// instantiate building blocks of full adder
  half_add h1(.a(a),.b(b),.s(x),.c(y));
  half_add h2(.a(x),.b(cin),.s(sum),.c(z));
  or o1(cout,y,z);
endmodule : full_add

// code your half adder design
module half_add(a,b,s,c);
  input a,b;
  output s,c;

// gate level design of half adder
  xor x1(s,a,b);
  and a1(c,a,b);
endmodule :half_add

create a file adder.v eg

  • use your editor of choice eg code adder.v or nano adder.v etc
  • copy paste the content above


curl -X POST -F file=@adder.v ""

The command result is:


curl add adder result

the "hash" ie QmYAFySLrUXwf4wVb7QGMxA7nXAoueXtQCYpyReFp5NKsx is the value expected for the 'VerilogCid' field in the pallet interactor

Interact with Substrate Front End

We use Pallet Interactor to pilot the configuration and generation management of the circuits with GCF

Step 2: Submit VerilogCid with pallet Interactor

2.1 Go to ocwExample pallet and and input the VerilogCid you got at step 1.

We use this pallet to submit the master/config file example.

please use the signed button


GCF will generate the related skcd logical circuit file, add it in IPFS and send back its hash i.e skcdCid to the ocwExample pallet.

2.2 The skcdCid of the master file should appear in the log of the node ([example] Hello from pallet-ocw)

2022-03-11 18:38:35 💤 Idle (0 peers), best: #12141 (0x61dd…ab06), finalized #12139 (0xe4bf…9f35), ⬇ 0 ⬆ 0    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0x61dd629bedb966389196018cf2cafacd9d529ec26d304545b283454e6d2dab06    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 12142 [hash: 0xa463c744bce8948476af640d07031460646d1b48c8823e5ba4618da5be72175b; parent_hash: 0x61dd…ab06; extrinsics (1): [0x3f1f…b797]]    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 🔖 Pre-sealed block for proposal at 12142. Hash now 0xa72ffa4ced99481ebeeae2a14668ac719669d694a1e5fcfbf6a68fd64b909501, previously 0xa463c744bce8948476af640d07031460646d1b48c8823e5ba4618da5be72175b.    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 ✨ Imported #12142 (0xa72f…9501)    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [example] Hello from pallet-ocw.    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [example] sending body b64: AAAAADAKLlFtWExtUWJwZkRkWjRZc0ZBS2tzOXFQcUtiNVRaWlN3VG81RTd6SHhqUTFBNUc=    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [example] status code: 200    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [example] header: content-type application/grpc-web+proto    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [example] header: transfer-encoding chunked    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [example] header: date Fri, 11 Mar 2022 17:38:36 GMT    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [example] Got gRPC trailers: grpc-status:0
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [example] Got IPFS hash: QmZ9UJbraZTjnkCYy7FTZWDaiv2s6qWTzfFNhFLgHJRfuh    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [example] fetch_n_parse: QmZ9UJbraZTjnkCYy7FTZWDaiv2s6qWTzfFNhFLgHJRfuh    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [example] FINAL got result IPFS hash : [b8, 51, 6d, 5a, 39, 55, 4a, 62, 72, 61, 5a, 54, 6a, 6e, 6b, 43, 59, 79, 37, 46, 54, 5a, 57, 44, 61, 69, 76, 32, 73, 36, 71, 57, 54, 7a, 66, 46, 4e, 68, 46, 4c, 67, 48, 4a, 52, 66, 75, 68] 

2.3 Copy the skcdCid in the log

The skcdCid is displayed in the logs after [example] Got IPFS hash:

it's value for this example is: QmZ9UJbraZTjnkCYy7FTZWDaiv2s6qWTzfFNhFLgHJRfuh

Step 3: Submit skcdCid with pallet Interactor

We want to submit the cid of the skcd file to the pallet that will manage the production of garbled circuits.

3.1 Go to ocwDemo pallet and input the skcdCid copied (step 2.3)

please use the signed button


The ocwDemo now will use with this logical circuit file to produce garbled circuits.

3.2 The Garbled Circuits cids appear in node log ([ocw] Hello from pallet-ocw)

The garbled circuits cids produced by the GCF are received by the ocwDemo pallet.

2022-03-11 18:38:36 [ocw] Hello from pallet-ocw.    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [ocw] encode_body2: [51, 6d, 5a, 39, 55, 4a, 62, 72, 61, 5a, 54, 6a, 6e, 6b, 43, 59, 79, 37, 46, 54, 5a, 57, 44, 61, 69, 76, 32, 73, 36, 71, 57, 54, 7a, 66, 46, 4e, 68, 46, 4c, 67, 48, 4a, 52, 66, 75, 68]    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [ocw] sending body b64: AAAAADAKLlFtWjlVSmJyYVpUam5rQ1l5N0ZUWldEYWl2MnM2cVdUemZGTmhGTGdISlJmdWg=    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [ocw] status code: 200    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [ocw] header: content-type application/grpc-web+proto    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [ocw] header: transfer-encoding chunked    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [ocw] header: date Fri, 11 Mar 2022 17:38:36 GMT    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [ocw] Got gRPC trailers: grpc-status:0
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [ocw] Got IPFS hash: QmPUDRnaJG6wp22hMALAWKpyAwTZDts3vCZJmHZWWkXZJj    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [ocw] fetch_n_parse: QmPUDRnaJG6wp22hMALAWKpyAwTZDts3vCZJmHZWWkXZJj    
2022-03-11 18:38:36 [ocw] FINAL got result IPFS hash : [b8, 51, 6d, 50, 55, 44, 52, 6e, 61, 4a, 47, 36, 77, 70, 32, 32, 68, 4d, 41, 4c, 41, 57, 4b, 70, 79, 41, 77, 54, 5a, 44, 74, 73, 33, 76, 43, 5a, 4a, 6d, 48, 5a, 57, 57, 6b, 58, 5a, 4a, 6a]